How To Organize Teaching Cues

It’s tempting to try to cue every correction, in each single repetition. But not only is this a mouthful, it’s also difficult for clients to understand what to focus on.

Instead, try to cue something new for each repetition of the exercise. This way the client receives additional information about technique.

I've created some flash cards that you can download below to help you begin organizing your cues and corrections.

Before the first repetition, start by giving the exercise name, spring and equipment adjustments, and describe the start position. Then explain the “What” of the exercise or what the client needs to do to get moving. This will give the client necessary positional and movement directions, or the basic step-by-step breakdown of the exercise.

Next, cue the “How” and “Why,” using lots of descriptions of the muscles that should be working, exercise goals, and explanation of why the exercise is beneficial.

Here is a video demonstration of a students attempting this strategy. This video was their first attempt at organizing their cues in this way. I was blown away by the immediate positive changes in their cueing.

“Thinking this way gives me a deeper understanding of the structure, purpose, and essence of the exercise,” commented a students who tried this technique.

Download and print your own copy of our cue cards (PDF): PracticeTeachingFlashcards


1) You can see the teacher begins with the first flashcard by saying:

Exercise Name

Adjust Springs & Equipment

Describe Start Position

Cue Basic Movement

Now, the teacher has the students moving and generally doing the exercise. So she flips to any of the other flashcards.

2) Give One Student a Personal Correction: The teacher looks at her students and offers one individual a way to refine her movement. "Control your ribs." Clients love to feel like they are getting attention. Plus as a new teacher it's hard to remember to look at the clients when you're trying to do so many other things.

3) Cue Goal of the Exercise: Why are you having the students do this exercise? What is the point? Telling students what the goal is will help them know where to focus their attention.

4) Cue Muscles Stabilizers and Mobilizers: What should be stabilizing? What should be mobilizing? Reminding client what where they should be feeling the work will help them pay attention to those harder to feel muscles.

5) Cue Pelvic Alignment: It is always a good thing to remind client to check their pelvic alignment. Often the difference between them feeling an exercise and not feeling anything is as simple as reminding them to use the abs to stabilize their pelvis in neutral or imprint.

6) Cue A Principle: The instructor in the video cues Breathing Principle. Anytime you remind client to focus on a principle, you get a better quality of movement.

Now, it's your turn to give it a try. Let me know what you think.

Good Luck, happy teaching!


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